A few things:
- First off, Stuart wants everyone to know that he has four teeth loose right now. Are we destined to have one drop out whilst we’re on the road? And how do we notify the Tooth Fairy to find us at the Days Inn in Gunnison, Colorado? (By the way, this is no endorsement of said hotel, simply a name and a probable destination used for narrative purposes. Hotel and motel endorsements will come later, like, once we’ve stayed in them.)
- Nice of everyone to show so much concern over the Volvo. I have been assured it will be ready today (by lunchtime, not that I have any way to go get it when it is ready) although no reason has been found for the ETS light to come on. Instead, we’re paying to have some electric cables replaced.
- Also, thanks to those who have left comments and those who have admitted to even bothering checking out this blog. We do hope you enjoy it.
Yesterday was Take Your Dogs to Camp Day, by which it is meant that “ye shall drive ye canines, which ye keepeth as pets, the three hours thou needst to drive into the provinces of yonder midcoast of the great state of Maine.” No amount of thanks can make up for the hardship Mom and Dad are about to endure in caring for Jigsaw and Hoover. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Anyway, I folded the seats down in Heather’s Focus, threw in the dogs, 50 pounds of dog food, and some other odds and ends, and hit the open road. Just a little taste of what is to come.
Of course along the way I asked the dogs, “Wanna see Oatmeal and Barley? Oatsie and Barsey?” in the classic sing-song voice that can only mean you are a.) talking to kids, b.) talking to dogs, or c.) talking to the highway patrolman who’s asking for your driver’s license and registration. They went from being complacent and sleepy to excited and eager and, finally, back to sleepy. They knew they were in for a treat, a vacation, a romp on the farm in Maine and the best way to show their excitement was by breathing their hot and stinky breath on the driver who’d foolishly asked the question to begin with. Let sleeping dogs lie.
With the dogs gone and Stuart headed to his friend George’s house this afternoon, Thursday, July 26th, has gone from being merely Garbage Day right on into Garbage-Laundry-Lawn Mowing Day.
Meanwhile, the kids are packed, the fly-fishing gear is packed, the snacks and maps and guides are packed. All we need now is to pack our clothes and put it all into the car. Right now, every last little thing we are bringing is stacked somewhere in the Dining Room. If this is the way Shackleton did it, I can only imagine what his dining room looked like before heading to the South Pole.
Wait. What car?
NOTE: You do realize that if the Volvo were not fixed in time, we’d be going West in the Focus, don’t you?
Have a great time. It makes sense to know where a road is leading before traveling on it.
Good Luck, be safe and enjoy the trip. It's like Lewis and Clark were a married couple with three boys.
Maya says, "Hook big trout!"
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